Friday, March 14, 2008

FiberLife Fiber Collagen Plus,胶原蛋白

胶原蛋白FiberLife Fiber Collagen Plus is a wholesome pack that comes with a balanced mix of important nutrients for skin and digestive maintainance.
The benefits of FiberLife Fiber Collagen Plus
-Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
-Firms, tones and plumps up the skin
-Brightens and smoothens the skin
-Increases fecal volumes and frequent bowel movements removes toxins from the body more effectively.
-Encourages growth of good bacteria
-Helps decrease fat and prevents fat accumulation in the internal organs
for more info log on to

健康,纤维饮品, health drink, fiber drink

Fiber Life 纤维饮品是提取蔬菜及水果的天然纤维精华溶合的水溶性松谷纤维(Fibersol-2)所制成,能帮助消化系统及平衡人体的肠道吸收,清除体内的毒素与废物和达到瘦身健美的效果。更进一部帮助控制人体血糖水平,降低胆固醇,有效预防糖尿病,心脏病,高血压,动脉硬化等疾病。欲知详情请游览
Fiber Life is a nutrient-rich drink formulated from Fibersol-2 and natural fibers extracted from fruits and vegetables. Effective in satiating appetite and reducing bacterial toxins in the digestive system, but is additionally responsible for stabilizing blood sugar and reducing serum cholesterol. At the same time, soluble fiber is very effective in preventing diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure etc. For more info please log on to